Hot Toddy Recipe (Soothe Your Cold & Cough) πŸ‹

I love this tasty cocktail recipe to soothe a cold. This is the recipe for Hot Toddy and it's great on any cold night, especially when you have a cold or cough. It can relieve your condition. But if you don’t finish the whole glass, you can store leftovers in the fridge. Just be sure to heat it and give it a good stir before drinking the rest. ;)

Hot Toddy Recipe.jpg

β–’2 ounces whiskey or bourbon Get some pretty good quality. You’re sick! You deserve the best!
β–’1Β½ tablespoons honey
β–’4 ounces water
β–’2 teaspoons lemon juice
β–’1 cube crystallized ginger optional
β–’1 slice fresh lemon for garnish

  • Mix together whiskey, water, and lemon juice in a microwave-safe bowl. (2 ounces whiskey or bourbon,4 ounces water,2 teaspoons lemon juice)​
  • Microwave for 1 minute, or until it's piping hot.​
  • Stir in the honey, and drop in the ginger if using. (1Β½ tablespoons honey,1 cube crystallized ginger)​
  • Garnish with a lemon slice and enjoy–you and your cold deserve it! (1 slice fresh lemon)​

Tried this Hot Toddy recipe last night when I was feeling under the weather, and it worked wonders! The combination of whiskey, honey, and lemon was so soothing, and the warmth helped ease my cold symptoms. Definitely keeping this recipe handy for future colds!
What a comforting remedy! πŸ΅πŸ‹ Hot Toddy is perfect for soothing a cold, with its warm and soothing combination of ingredients. Thanks for sharing this comforting recipeβ€”I'll definitely keep it in mind for those chilly nights!
Tried this Hot Toddy recipe last night when I was feeling under the weather, and it worked wonders! The combination of whiskey, honey, and lemon was so soothing, and the warmth helped ease my cold symptoms. Definitely keeping this recipe handy for future colds!
What a comforting remedy! πŸ΅πŸ‹ Hot Toddy is perfect for soothing a cold, with its warm and soothing combination of ingredients. Thanks for sharing this comforting recipeβ€”I'll definitely keep it in mind for those chilly nights!
Yeah, this is comforting remedy... I'm glad you enjoy the recipe. thanks :)