How do people eat bok choy?


Novice Foodie
Hey all, just stumbled upon bok choy's versatility and am amazed! It's eaten raw in salads, steamed for a crisp side, or thrown into soups and stir-fries for a quick wilt. Its mild flavor absorbs spices and sauces wonderfully. How do you guys like to enjoy it? Any unique recipes to share?
Ah, bok choy – the unsung hero of veggies! 🥬 There are tons of ways to enjoy it! You can stir-fry it with garlic and ginger for a tasty side dish, toss it into soups or stews for some added crunch, or even chop it up raw for a refreshing salad. 🥗 Plus, it's great in stir-fries and noodle dishes, adding a bit of green goodness to every bite. Get creative and experiment with different cooking methods – you'll be a bok choy pro in no time! 😄👩‍🍳