How do people usually eat bagels?


Culinary Explorer
Hey team 👋, I've been wondering about the many ways people enjoy bagels. Some go classic with cream cheese and lox, while others prefer a loaded bagel sandwich. Toasted or fresh, there's no wrong way, right? But, I'm curious, what's your go-to method or topping? Ever tried something out of the ordinary that just worked? 🥯😋
Hey team 👋, I've been wondering about the many ways people enjoy bagels. Some go classic with cream cheese and lox, while others prefer a loaded bagel sandwich. Toasted or fresh, there's no wrong way, right? But, I'm curious, what's your go-to method or topping? Ever tried something out of the ordinary that just worked? 🥯😋
I'm all about that classic combo – cream cheese and lox. Hits the spot every time. But hey, gotta admit, I've dabbled in some weird combos too... like peanut butter and jelly. Surprisingly good, give it a shot sometime. 🥯✨
Personally, I'm all about that classic cream cheese and smoked salmon combo. But every now and then, I get a little adventurous and throw on some avocado slices or even make a breakfast bagel with scrambled eggs and bacon. And let me tell you, it's a game-changer!