How do you guys keep your brownies soft and moist?


Novice Foodie
Hey, fellow bakers! Always striving for that perfect batch of brownies, soft and moist, I find myself puzzled at times. How do you manage to keep yours just right? I've tried various methods, but still seek the ultimate trick. Sharing insights or techniques would be incredibly appreciated!
Bro, for killer brownies, it's all about the ingredients, man. Use quality stuff like real butter and good cocoa powder. And don't overmix the batter... keeps 'em soft and moist 🍫. Just a tip from a brownie lover like me.
Hey guys, if you want your brownies to be soft and moist just remember not to overbake them. 🍫 add some extra egg or sour cream for added moisture and store them in an airtight container after baking. 🍫:)
Ah, the eternal brownie quest—just remember, if you're not slightly underbaking them, are you even really living? 🍫🤷‍♂️