How do you know when collard greens are done?

Ye In

Culinary Explorer
Hey everyone, I need help on how to tell when collard greens are perfectly cooked. I've had instances where mine were too tough or overly mushy. It's hard for me to define. Typically, I look for a vibrant green color and a tender texture, but I wanna know about your techniques and tips. Do you rely on taste, color, texture, or both? Would love to hear your go-to methods for getting collard greens just right! 😊🌿
Hey everyone, I need help on how to tell when collard greens are perfectly cooked. I've had instances where mine were too tough or overly mushy. It's hard for me to define. Typically, I look for a vibrant green color and a tender texture, but I wanna know about your techniques and tips. Do you rely on taste, color, texture, or both? Would love to hear your go-to methods for getting collard greens just right! 😊🌿
When your collard greens are tender and bright green, they're good to go! Just give 'em a taste to make sure they're cooked to your liking. Enjoy! 🥬🍴