How do you know when your breakfast casserole is done?


Culinary Explorer
Figuring out when a breakfast casserole is perfectly done can be tricky. 💁‍♀️I usually check if the top is golden brown and the center feels set but not too firm. Inserting a knife in the middle to see if it comes out clean is another tip I've heard. What are your go-to methods? 🤭Do you rely on timing, touch, or something else to ensure it's cooked through without becoming dry? Please share your insights and any foolproof signs you swear by! 🤗🙏
Well, I usually check if the eggs are set in the middle by gently shaking the dish. If it jiggles too much, it needs more time. Also, inserting a knife in the center should come out clean. That's my go-to way to know it's cooked through!
Well, I usually check if the eggs are set in the middle by gently shaking the dish. If it jiggles too much, it needs more time. Also, inserting a knife in the center should come out clean. That's my go-to way to know it's cooked through!
I think giving it a gentle shake and seeing if the center wobbles slightly indicates it needs more time, though it should be firm overall! 🥚💪