How do you store your homemade peanut butter cookies?


Culinary Explorer
Hey cookie lovers! Wondering: what's your go-to method for storing those homemade peanut butter cookies? 🤔💭 From cookie jars to airtight containers, let's swap storage tips to keep our cookies fresh and delicious for as long as possible! 🌟🍪 Share your secrets and let's keep our cookie game strong! 💪
Airtight container all the way for me! Keeps them soft and chewy for days. If you have a layer of cookies, throw in a slice of bread to absorb extra moisture - genius trick!! They might not last long though, those peanut butter cookies are addictive 😋🍪
Hey cookie lovers! Wondering: what's your go-to method for storing those homemade peanut butter cookies? 🤔💭 From cookie jars to airtight containers, let's swap storage tips to keep our cookies fresh and delicious for as long as possible! 🌟🍪 Share your secrets and let's keep our cookie game strong! 💪
To store homemade peanut butter cookies, allow them to cool completely after baking to prevent condensation and sogginess. Once cooled, place the cookies in an airtight container, layering them with parchment paper to prevent sticking. Store the container at room temperature for up to a week to maintain freshness. For longer storage, freeze the cookies by placing them in a single layer on a baking sheet until solid, then transfer them to a freezer-safe bag or container, where they can be kept for up to three months. Thaw at room temperature before enjoying. Hope it helps you :):)