How long do thumbprint cookies stay fresh?


Tasty Apprentice
I'm into baking this days! 🍪🌿 Ever wondered about the lifespan of thumbprint cookies? 🤔 Share your experiences! 🗣️ Let's chat about how long these delightful treats stay fresh and tasty! Whether it's a day or a week, let's uncover the secret to keeping our cookies delicious! 👩‍🍳
If stacking the cookies in a container, place a sheet of parchment paper or wax paper between layers to prevent them from sticking together. 😉👌👍😋
From what I've experienced, thumbprint cookies usually stay fresh for about 3 to 4 days when stored in an airtight container at room temperature. Though, if you want to prolong their freshness, you can store them in the fridge or freezer. 🍪❄️
Hey there! 😊 From my experience, thumbprint cookies usually stay fresh for about 3-5 days when stored in an airtight container at room temperature. They might start to lose some of their softness and freshness after that, but they're usually still good to eat. Of course, it depends on the recipe and ingredients used too.🍪