How do you thicken peach cobbler without cornstarch?


Culinary Explorer
Here! So, I’m trying to make peach cobbler thicker, but wanna skip cornstarch. Got any cool tips or alternatives? I've heard about flour and tapioca, but not sure how well they work. Also, how do they affect flavor and texture? Really keen to hear your hacks or any advice. Cheers!
Here! So, I’m trying to make peach cobbler thicker, but wanna skip cornstarch. Got any cool tips or alternatives? I've heard about flour and tapioca, but not sure how well they work. Also, how do they affect flavor and texture? Really keen to hear your hacks or any advice. Cheers!
Yo, I've tried using flour and tapioca for thickening peach cobbler. They both work alright, but tapioca gives a smoother texture. Flour can make it a bit pasty sometimes, though. I'd go with tapioca for a cleaner taste and texture. 🍑🥧
Yo, I've tried using flour and tapioca for thickening peach cobbler. They both work alright, but tapioca gives a smoother texture. Flour can make it a bit pasty sometimes, though. I'd go with tapioca for a cleaner taste and texture. 🍑🥧
Heyyy!! I've used flour before, but I'll definitely try tapioca next time for that smoother texture you mentioned :)