How does tahini compare to mayonnaise in terms of nutrition and taste


Culinary Explorer
How does tahini compare to mayonnaise in terms of nutrition and taste?" 🥪🤔 I'm curious about swapping out mayo for tahini in my recipes. Can anyone share insights on how they stack up nutritionally and in flavor? Excited to explore healthier alternatives! 🌱
Hellooo! Tahini and mayo are pretty different but both yummy! Tahini has more protein and less fat, plus a nutty flavor. It’s perfect for Mediterranean recipes and adds a nice creaminess. Definitely worth a try!🥰
Tahini offers a nutty flavor and is rich in nutrients like healthy fats and minerals, while mayo is creamier but higher in saturated fats. Choose based on your taste and nutritional preferences! 🌰🥄
Tahini and mayo are pretty different! Tahini is made from ground sesame seeds, so it’s richer in healthy fats and protein, while mayo is more about those eggy, creamy vibes. In terms of taste, tahini has a nutty flavor, while mayo is smooth and tangy. Both can elevate your dishes, but it really depends on what you're going for! 😋
How does tahini compare to mayonnaise in terms of nutrition and taste?" 🥪🤔 I'm curious about swapping out mayo for tahini in my recipes. Can anyone share insights on how they stack up nutritionally and in flavor? Excited to explore healthier alternatives!
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Tahini is a healthier swap for mayo! It's lower in fat and calories, plus it's packed with plant-based protein and healthy fats. The taste is different, though – tahini is nutty and slightly bitter, while mayo is creamy and tangy.