How hot can baking sheets get? ♨️


Tasty Apprentice
Hi theree!👋 Have you ever wondered how hot can your baking sheets be? 🍪 Also, do they have a breaking point? 🌡️I've read a few reviews from other folks, and they shared that some baking sheets warp even under high heat. 😬 I guess that's the worst case after all. 🔥 Have you experimented on your baking sheets before? feel free to share! 🙂
They can definitely get pretty hot, depending on what you're baking and the material of the sheet. As for a breaking point, it's possible for some baking sheets to warp under really high temperatures. Personally, I haven't experimented much, but I always try to follow the recommended temperature guidelines for my baking sheets to avoid any mishaps. 😊😉🙂👌✨
Hi theree!👋 Have you ever wondered how hot can your baking sheets be? 🍪 Also, do they have a breaking point? 🌡️I've read a few reviews from other folks, and they shared that some baking sheets warp even under high heat. 😬 I guess that's the worst case after all. 🔥 Have you experimented on your baking sheets before? feel free to share! 🙂
Baking sheets can generally withstand temperatures up to around 450°F to 500°F (232°C to 260°C) without warping or becoming damaged.
Baking sheets can handle some serious heat! 🔥♨️ Most are safe to use in oven temperatures up to around 450°F to 500°F (232°C to 260°C) without warping or causing any issues. Just be sure to check the manufacturer's guidelines for your specific baking sheet to ensure you're staying within the safe temperature range. And always use oven mitts when handling hot pans straight out of the oven! Safety first! 🧤
Baking sheets can typically withstand temperatures up to around 450°F (232°C), but it's best to check the manufacturer's guidelines for specific limits.
Baking sheets can typically handle up to 450°F (232°C) without issues, but some may warp under high heat. 🌡️ It's best to avoid sudden temperature changes, like moving a hot sheet to a cold surface. 😬 I’ve had a few warp on me, but heavier, good-quality sheets seem to hold up better. 🔥 Anyone else have tips or experiences? 🙂🍪