How long can you keep chicken skewers in the fridge?


Culinary Explorer
How long do chicken skewers last in the fridge? Want to prep some in advance but not sure about the best storage practices. Any advice would be great! 🕒🍖
How long do chicken skewers last in the fridge? Want to prep some in advance but not sure about the best storage practices. Any advice would be great!
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Stash your raw chicken skewers in the fridge for no more than 1-2 days to be safe! Cook them up delicious before then.
Chicken skewers typically stay fresh in the fridge for 2-3 days. Just make sure to store them in an airtight container. Enjoy your tasty skewers! 🍢🥩😋
Grilled chicken skewers can last in the fridge for 3-4 days, but they're best enjoyed fresh for the best flavor and texture. 🍗🍡
Hi there!. Refrigerate leftover chicken skewers for up to 3 days in an airtight container. Reheat in the microwave for the best, juiciest results. Not suitable to freeze anyway. Hope that helps! 🍡🍡:)(y)