How long do you guys think I can marinate flank steak without it going bad?


Novice Foodie
How long do you guys usually marinate your flank steak? I don't want to overdo it or risk spoilage. Any safe time limits you recommend? Thanks! 🕒🍴
Flank steak is a marinating champ! 🙌 I usually go for 2-4 hours, but it can hang out for up to 24 hours in the fridge ..Just don't go too crazy or it can get mushy ..Always discard the marinade after use though, to be safe! ;)👌
How long do you guys usually marinate your flank steak? I don't want to overdo it or risk spoilage. Any safe time limits you recommend? Thanks! 🕒🍴
Marinating flank steak may improve its taste and softness, but it's important to establish the appropriate proportion to avoid overmarination and spoiling. Generally, marinating flank steak for 2 to 24 hours is good for attaining maximum flavor absorption while maintaining food safety. Longer marination durations might cause the steak to become mushy or too acidic. If you're short on time, marinating for 30 minutes to an hour can still give some excellent flavor. Finally, tailor your marination time around your schedule and taste preferences to ensure a perfectly marinated flank steak without spoiling. Happy barbecuing! 🕒🍴🥩
Think of it like marinating in the flavor spa - aim for around 24 to 48 hours in the fridge, and your flank steak will emerge tender, juicy, and bursting with deliciousness!