How long does homemade ketchup stay good for?


Novice Foodie
Hi everyone! Just whipped up my first batch of homemade ketchup and I’m wondering how long it typically lasts. I’ve heard mixed things about the shelf life. Does anyone have experience with this? How do you keep it fresh? Appreciate any tips! 🍅🫙
Homemade ketchup will typically last for about 3 weeks in the fridge if stored in an airtight container. The acidity from the vinegar and tomatoes helps with preservation, but it's not quite as shelf-stable as commercially produced ketchup. 🙂👌😉✨
Homemade ketchup can last about 1-2 months in the fridge. To keep it fresh longer, make sure to sterilize your jars before storing and use clean utensils every time. I find adding a bit more vinegar helps preserve it better. 🍅