How long does lemon curd last in fridge?


Culinary Explorer
Howdy!! I'm wondering about the lifespan of lemon curd in the fridge 🍋. Did anyone get an idea? I whipped up a batch and want to savor it, but I don't want to risk a culinary misadventure 😅. Do you have any experiences to share on this?
Hey there! Lemon curd usually lasts for about 2-3 weeks in the fridge, but it's always a good idea to give it a sniff test before using it just to be safe! 🍋👩‍🍳
Agree with @Mui Always good to sniff it first though, for peace of mind. Fresh is always best, but leftover lemon curd is the perfect excuse to make some tarts or scones this weekend! 😃
Agree with @Mui Always good to sniff it first though, for peace of mind. Fresh is always best, but leftover lemon curd is the perfect excuse to make some tarts or scones this weekend! 😃
Absolutely agree! Sniffing for freshness is a smart move. While fresh lemon curd is unbeatable, don't let leftovers go to waste. Whip up some delicious tarts or scones to enjoy this weekend! 🥰