How long should I brine turkey breast?


Culinary Explorer
Howdy folks! Wondering on how long should I brine turkey breast šŸ¦ƒā³ How long do you typically soak yours? Heard varied opinionsā€”some say overnight, others swear by a few hours. Just got my hands on a beautiful breast and wanna make sure it's juicy and flavorful. Any suggestions? šŸ¤”
I recommend an overnight one (preferrably 8-12hrs) if you want to achieve that juicy and flavorful meat. But if you're short on time, you can actually make your brine stronger ;)
I think you should brine turkey breast for about 12-24 hours! ā³šŸ¦ƒ Though the exact time can vary depending on the size of the breast and your preference for flavor intensity.