How many carbs are in a grilled chicken salad?


Novice Foodie
Food and fitness pals! I've been trying to track my carb intake and found myself wondering about something. How many carbohydrates does a typical grilled chicken salad contain? Ingredients vary, but let's consider one with lettuce, chicken, tomatoes, cucumbers, and a light dressing. Any insights or resources would be greatly appreciated!;)🙏
Upon checking on the internet, I found out that grilled chicken salad's carbs tend to be low especially if it has vegetables. But remember that dressings might also contribute more carbs so be warry on adding.
it actually depends on the ingredients used, such as the type and amount of vegetables, toppings, and dressings. :)
The number of carbs in a grilled chicken salad can vary based on ingredients like veggies and dressing.