How to do you make a flan more creamy?

Kiriya Ubuyashiki

Novice Foodie
Hey team, aiming to make my flan extra creamy. I've heard using heavy cream instead of milk, or adding more egg yolks, can do the trick. Thoughts on this or other methods to achieve that luxurious texture? Keen on swapping tips and learning your secrets for the creamiest flan ever! ;);)
Hey! Absolutely, the heavy cream is the ultimate for the creaminess, and the egg yolks as well can definitely add more creaminess to the already creamy fluid. Add another trick in baking it on baking in a water bath for that silky perfection. Shall we talk business and turn this flan into the creamiest anyone ever had?🍮
Hey! Absolutely, the heavy cream is the ultimate for the creaminess, and the egg yolks as well can definitely add more creaminess to the already creamy fluid. Add another trick in baking it on baking in a water bath for that silky perfection. Shall we talk business and turn this flan into the creamiest anyone ever had?🍮
Hey there! Absolutely, heavy cream and egg yolks are the secret sauce for that creamy goodness. Baking it in a water bath? Genius move for that silky smooth flan perfection! Ready to take this flan game to the next level? Let's talk business! ;)