How to make pickles really crunchy? 🥒


Culinary Explorer
Hey folks, been on a quest to make my pickles extra crunchy and stumbled upon some great tips 🥳. Key moves include soaking cucumbers in ice water before pickling and adding a grape leaf to the jar — apparently, the tannins help 👌. Also, using the freshest cucumbers makes a huge difference. Anyone else have tricks up their sleeve for that perfect crunch? 🤭🤔
Want your pickles to snap? 🤞 My go-to trick is adding calcium chloride (pickle crisp) during brining, though it's not everyone's cup of tea.
For extra crunchy pickles, use small, firm cucumbers, soak them in an ice water bath for a few hours before pickling, and add grape leaves or alum to the brine. 🥒✨
To make pickles really crunchy, start by using fresh, firm cucumbers. Then, soak them in an ice water bath for a couple of hours before pickling. Adding grape leaves, oak leaves, or pickle crisp granules to the pickling liquid can also help maintain their crispiness.
Personally, I find soaking cucumber slices in an ice water bath for a couple of hours before pickling really helps. It seems to firm them up nicely. 😊