Iced Matcha Latte Recipe 🍡

Kiriya Ubuyashiki

Culinary Explorer
Are you a fan of matcha? If so, I have a recipe for you! This Iced Matcha Latte recipe is a creamy and refreshing drink that can be enjoyed hot or cold. If you're missing your usual iced matcha latte from Starbucks or your local coffee shop, this recipe is for you. You'll be able to make your favorite drink at home and I promise you won't regret it! 🀩

Iced Matcha Latte.jpg

  • 2 teaspoons matcha powder
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons hot water
  • 1 cup warm water
  • Ice
  • Milk of choice (e.g., almond milk, soy milk, oat milk)
  • Optional: Simple syrup (to taste)
  • Tea kettle
  • Matcha whisk (or small whisk)
  1. Prepare the Matcha:In a measuring cup or bowl, add the matcha powder. Pour in 1 to 2 tablespoons of hot water (not boiling, around 175Β°F or 80Β°C). Whisk vigorously using a matcha whisk or small whisk until the matcha powder is fully dissolved and no clumps remain. This will create a smooth paste-like consistency.
  2. Mix with Water:Once the matcha is well incorporated with the hot water, pour in the remaining 1 cup of warm water. Stir well to combine.
  3. Chill the Matcha:Transfer the matcha mixture to the refrigerator or freezer to chill for about 15 minutes. This step helps cool down the drink quickly.
  4. Assemble the Iced Latte:Fill two glasses with ice cubes. Pour your milk of choice into each glass, filling them about 3/4 full. Adjust the amount of milk based on your preference for creaminess.
  5. Add Sweetener (Optional):If desired, this is the time to add simple syrup or any sweetener of your choice. Stir to combine with the milk and ice.
  6. Pour and Enjoy:Finally, pour the chilled matcha over the milk and ice mixture in each glass. Stir gently to combine the matcha with the milk and ice.
  7. Serve Immediately:Your Iced Matcha Latte is ready to enjoy! Garnish with additional matcha powder on top if you like.
  • Milk Options: Feel free to use any milk you prefer such as soy milk, oat milk, almond milk, cashew milk, or regular cow's milk.
  • Sweetener: Adjust the sweetness by adding simple syrup, honey, agave syrup, or any sweetener of your choice. Start with a small amount and adjust to taste.
  • Variations: Experiment with different milk alternatives and sweeteners to suit your taste preferences.
Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy your homemade Iced Matcha Latte! 🍡
Thanks a ton for the awesome Iced Matcha Latte recipe! Can't wait to whip it up at home and skip the Starbucks run. Loving the tip on using different milks and sweetenersβ€”definitely gonna try it with oat milk. Cheers! 🍡✨
Hey, awesome! Glad you liked the matcha latte recipe! 😊 Using oat milk sounds rad, it's gonna be creamy AF. Enjoy your homemade lattes and cheers to skipping the Starbucks queues! 🍡✨
Are you a fan of matcha? If so, I have a recipe for you! This Iced Matcha Latte recipe is a creamy and refreshing drink that can be enjoyed hot or cold. If you're missing your usual iced matcha latte from Starbucks or your local coffee shop, this recipe is for you. You'll be able to make your favorite drink at home and I promise you won't regret it! 🀩

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  • 2 teaspoons matcha powder
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons hot water
  • 1 cup warm water
  • Ice
  • Milk of choice (e.g., almond milk, soy milk, oat milk)
  • Optional: Simple syrup (to taste)
  • Tea kettle
  • Matcha whisk (or small whisk)
  1. Prepare the Matcha:In a measuring cup or bowl, add the matcha powder. Pour in 1 to 2 tablespoons of hot water (not boiling, around 175Β°F or 80Β°C). Whisk vigorously using a matcha whisk or small whisk until the matcha powder is fully dissolved and no clumps remain. This will create a smooth paste-like consistency.
  2. Mix with Water:Once the matcha is well incorporated with the hot water, pour in the remaining 1 cup of warm water. Stir well to combine.
  3. Chill the Matcha:Transfer the matcha mixture to the refrigerator or freezer to chill for about 15 minutes. This step helps cool down the drink quickly.
  4. Assemble the Iced Latte:Fill two glasses with ice cubes. Pour your milk of choice into each glass, filling them about 3/4 full. Adjust the amount of milk based on your preference for creaminess.
  5. Add Sweetener (Optional):If desired, this is the time to add simple syrup or any sweetener of your choice. Stir to combine with the milk and ice.
  6. Pour and Enjoy:Finally, pour the chilled matcha over the milk and ice mixture in each glass. Stir gently to combine the matcha with the milk and ice.
  7. Serve Immediately:Your Iced Matcha Latte is ready to enjoy! Garnish with additional matcha powder on top if you like.
  • Milk Options: Feel free to use any milk you prefer such as soy milk, oat milk, almond milk, cashew milk, or regular cow's milk.
  • Sweetener: Adjust the sweetness by adding simple syrup, honey, agave syrup, or any sweetener of your choice. Start with a small amount and adjust to taste.
  • Variations: Experiment with different milk alternatives and sweeteners to suit your taste preferences.
Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy your homemade Iced Matcha Latte! 🍡
That sounds awesome! I'm totally into matcha, especially in a chilled latte form. Thanks for sharing the recipeβ€”I'm pumped to try making it at home! 🍡😊