Imperfectly Perfect Shokupan 🍞✨


Tasty Apprentice
Excited to make Shokupan for the first time, I gathered my ingredients and preheated the oven feeling like a baking rockstar 🤘. As I mixed the flour, yeast, milk, and sugar, I couldn't wait for my fluffy, cloud-like bread. But then I realized my loaf pan was not traditional. Fingers crossed for a tasty outcome! 😬

  • 3 cups bread flour
  • 1 cup warm milk
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the warm milk, sugar, and yeast. Let it sit for about 5 minutes, until the mixture becomes foamy.
  2. Add the bread flour and salt to the bowl, and mix until a shaggy dough forms.
  3. Add the softened butter to the dough, and knead until the dough becomes smooth and elastic, about 10-15 minutes.
  4. Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover with a clean kitchen towel, and let it rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1-2 hours.
  5. Punch down the dough to release the air, and transfer it to a lightly floured surface. Shape the dough into a loaf and place it into a greased loaf pan.
  6. Cover the pan with a clean kitchen towel and let the dough rise again until it fills the pan and rises slightly above the rim, about 1 hour.
  7. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Bake the bread for 30-35 minutes, or until golden brown and hollow-sounding when tapped on the bottom.
  8. Remove the bread from the oven and let it cool in the pan for 10 minutes before transferring it to a wire rack to cool completely.
Let's celebrate the wacky and unexpected moments of homemade baking! Here's to the wild and tasty kitchen escapades ahead! 🍰🎉
I've never tried making a bread but I think I will have the guts to try this recipe since it's easy to make! Will try this for my family. 👌😋✨
I love the idea of embracing imperfection in baking, especially with Shokupan! 🙌🍞 Can't wait to try making this recipe and enjoy the rustic charm of homemade bread. Thanks for sharing this unique idea!
I love the idea of embracing imperfection in baking, especially with Shokupan! 🙌🍞 Can't wait to try making this recipe and enjoy the rustic charm of homemade bread. Thanks for sharing this unique idea!
Awesome! Embracing imperfection in baking adds character to the final product. Happy baking! 🥖✨