Is it better to boil or bake sweet potatoes?


Culinary Explorer
Helloo sweet potato lovers!! 🍠 What's your stand for this topic? Is it better to boil or bake sweet potatoes? 🤔 I have tried both methods. For me, I prefer baking it cause it gives an extra flavor and crisp texture. We probably have different preferences on it, right? What do you think?
They both have their perks (y) I love baking for the crispy skin and fluffy insides, but boiling is definitely faster and keeps them moist ..Depends on what you're going for! 😊
They both have their perks (y) I love baking for the crispy skin and fluffy insides, but boiling is definitely faster and keeps them moist ..Depends on what you're going for! 😊
I think both boiling and baking sweet potatoes have their perks, depending on what you're looking for 🍠🔥
Baking sweet potatoes brings out their natural sweetness and caramelizes their edges, making them extra delicious! But hey, if you're in a hurry, boiling works too—just be sure not to overcook them and turn them into mush!
It depends on personal preference and the dish you're making, but baking sweet potatoes can enhance their natural sweetness and flavor 🍠🔥.