Is it better to steam or boil green beans?


Novice Foodie
Hi there!! I'm wondering whether steaming or boiling green beans is the best method. 🤔 I've always leaned towards steaming, feeling like it keeps more of their crunch and vibrant color. However, boiling seems a bit too harsh, maybe leaching out nutrients and flavor. But hey, I could be missing out on something amazing with boiling that I just haven't discovered yet! Does anyone got insights or personal preferences on this? 😊
Hey there my friend, the eternal green bean debate! 🌿💭 Personally, I'm team steam all the way! 💨 Not only does steaming preserve more nutrients and color, but it also keeps that satisfying crunch intact. 🥦💚 Boiling can sometimes make them a tad mushy, but hey, it's all about personal preference! 🤷‍♂️💦 Give both methods a try and see which one floats your green bean boat! 🚤😉
Hey there my friend, the eternal green bean debate! 🌿💭 Personally, I'm team steam all the way! 💨 Not only does steaming preserve more nutrients and color, but it also keeps that satisfying crunch intact. 🥦💚 Boiling can sometimes make them a tad mushy, but hey, it's all about personal preference! 🤷‍♂️💦 Give both methods a try and see which one floats your green bean boat! 🚤😉
Absolutely! Steaming is the winner! 💨 It in those nutrients and vibrant color, while maintaining that perfect crunch. 🥦💚 Boiling might lead to mushiness, but hey, it's all about what you prefer!
Hi there!! I'm wondering whether steaming or boiling green beans is the best method. 🤔 I've always leaned towards steaming, feeling like it keeps more of their crunch and vibrant color. However, boiling seems a bit too harsh, maybe leaching out nutrients and flavor. But hey, I could be missing out on something amazing with boiling that I just haven't discovered yet! Does anyone got insights or personal preferences on this? 😊
I think steaming green beans is a better option compared to boiling. Steaming helps retain more nutrients and preserves the beans' vibrant color and crunchiness. Plus, it's quicker and requires less water, so you're not losing any flavor in the cooking process.