Is it just me, or does Irish soda bread kinda remind anyone else of sourdough? Thoughts?


Culinary Explorer
Is it just me, or does Irish soda bread have that sourdough vibe to anyone else? 🍞 I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something about the texture or taste. Does anyone else get those sourdough feels, or have any thoughts on this? Would love to hear your opinions! 🤔
Totally feel you on that... I’ve baked Irish soda bread a few times and yeah, it does have that sourdough vibe... It's probably the buttermilk... Adds that tangy taste, right? 🍞😋
Totally feel you on that... I’ve baked Irish soda bread a few times and yeah, it does have that sourdough vibe... It's probably the buttermilk... Adds that tangy taste, right? 🍞😋
Absolutely! The buttermilk definitely gives it that tangy kick. Glad you feel the same way! 🍞😋