Is salmon better on stove or air fryer?


Culinary Explorer
Hey everyone, diving into a kitchen debate: which method wins for cooking salmon, stove or air fryer? Personally, I've tried both. On the stove, getting that crispy skin feels satisfying, yet maintaining moisture inside proves tricky. Conversely, using an air fryer offers convenience and consistent texture. Curious about your experiences and tips!:):):)
Hey everyone, diving into a kitchen debate: which method wins for cooking salmon, stove or air fryer? Personally, I've tried both. On the stove, getting that crispy skin feels satisfying, yet maintaining moisture inside proves tricky. Conversely, using an air fryer offers convenience and consistent texture. Curious about your experiences and tips!:):):)
From what I've tried, the air fryer tends to lock in moisture better while still achieving a lovely texture on the outside.