🍔 Juicy One Bite Shrimp Burger with Mushrooms!


Tasty Apprentice
I love the art of creating my one-bite shrimp burger with mushrooms! As I delicately flip the ingredients, I can't help but admire the caramelized crust forming on the shrimp patty. Building the masterpiece on a toasted brioche bun with creamy aioli and a mountain of flavorful mushrooms ⁺˚⋆。°🍄₊ is pure joy. And when I take my first bite, the succulent shrimp, earthy mushrooms, and zesty aioli create a symphony of flavors dancing over my palate 🎶(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) It's a gourmet experience that should be shared! This handcrafted treat elevates an ordinary dinner to something truly extraordinary. I'm thrilled to share my recipe for this juicy shrimp burger with mushrooms - it's a must-try! 🍔🍤


• 100g Shrimp
• 18 White Mushrooms (2 for each burger)
• 3 Cheese Slices
• 2-3 Cherry Tomatoes
• 1-2 Lettuce
• 1tsp Corn Starch
• 2tsp Egg White
• 1/4tsp White Pepper Powder
• a pinch of salt
• a pinch of pepper

  1. Peel the shrimp​
  2. Finely chop, add 1/4 tsp White Pepper Powder, A pinch of salt, 1 tsp Corn Starch, 2 tsp Egg white to the shrimp paste​
  3. Stir the shrimp paste in one direction in a circular motion until the marinade and shrimp paste are well combined​
  4. Divide the cheese slices into 4 equal parts​
  5. Cut lettuce into small pieces​
  6. Cut cherry tomatoes into small pieces​
  7. Wash the mushrooms and remove the stems.​
  8. Pan-fry the mushrooms on both sides until they are golden brown​
  9. Add the shrimp paste.​
  10. Add Ketchup​
  11. Add Honey mustard​
  12. Add Lettuce​
  13. Add Cherry tomatoes​
  14. Add Cheese slices​
  15. Take out the remaining mushrooms​
  16. Cover the pan and simmer on low heat for 2 minutes.​
  17. Secure the mushrooms with toothpicks.​
Get ready to savor every bite of these amazing shrimp burgers! 🍤✨ Perfect for any occasion, they'll surely impress your guests!
I've never tried a shrimp burger with mushrooms before! How does the flavor combination turn out? I'm curious to give it a shot!
Yum! A juicy one-bite shrimp burger with mushrooms? 🍔🍄 Count me in! That combo sounds absolutely mouthwatering. Can't wait to fire up the grill and give this recipe a try. Thanks for sharing! 🎉😋
I've never tried a shrimp burger with mushrooms before! How does the flavor combination turn out? I'm curious to give it a shot!
Well, well, well, looks like we've got a shrimp burger fan! The combo of juicy shrimp, earthy mushrooms, and zesty aioli is a flavor explosion! Trust me, it's like a gourmet party in your mouth! Give it a try and prepare to be amazed! Enjoy! 🍔🍤🍄
Yum! A juicy one-bite shrimp burger with mushrooms? 🍔🍄 Count me in! That combo sounds absolutely mouthwatering. Can't wait to fire up the grill and give this recipe a try. Thanks for sharing! 🎉😋
Get ready for a shrimp burger party in yo' mouth! 🍔🎉
Well, well, well, looks like we've got a shrimp burger fan! The combo of juicy shrimp, earthy mushrooms, and zesty aioli is a flavor explosion! Trust me, it's like a gourmet party in your mouth! Give it a try and prepare to be amazed! Enjoy! 🍔🍤🍄
Thanks for the tip, I'm definitely leaning towards giving it a try! 😊