Kakiage Donburi - Rice Bowl with Tempura Fritters


Tasty Apprentice
Kakiage Donburi is a comforting Japanese dish featuring crispy tempura fritters piled on a bed of fluffy rice. The fritters, made with a mix of vegetables and sometimes seafood, are lightly battered and fried to golden perfection. This dish combines the crunchiness of tempura with the hearty goodness of rice, making it a satisfying meal any time of day.

🍲 **Ingredients**:
- 2 cups cooked rice
- 1 cup mixed vegetables (like carrots, onions, and bell peppers), thinly sliced
- 100g shrimp or other seafood (optional), chopped
- 1 cup tempura batter mix
- 1/2 cup cold water
- Vegetable oil (for frying)
- Soy sauce or tempura dipping sauce (for serving)

🥢 **Instructions**:
1. Mix the tempura batter mix with cold water to make the batter.
2. Combine vegetables and seafood (if using) with the batter until well coated.
3. Heat vegetable oil in a deep pan over medium heat.
4. Drop spoonfuls of the batter mixture into the hot oil and fry until golden brown and crispy, about 3-4 minutes.
5. Place the cooked tempura fritters on top of the rice in bowls.
6. Drizzle with soy sauce or tempura dipping sauce and enjoy the crunchy, flavorful delight of Kakiage Donburi!

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