Kakigori - Shaved Ice Dessert


Tasty Apprentice
Kakigori is a refreshing Japanese shaved ice dessert thatโ€™s perfect for hot summer days. Light and fluffy, this treat is typically topped with a variety of sweet syrups, fruits, and condensed milk. Itโ€™s a fun and customizable dessert that offers a perfect balance of chill and sweetness.

๐Ÿ“ **Ingredients**:
- Shaved ice (freshly made or store-bought)
- 1/2 cup flavored syrup (like strawberry, matcha, or sweetened condensed milk)
- Fresh fruit (like strawberries, mangoes, or berries), diced
- Sweetened condensed milk (optional)
- Mochi pieces (optional)


๐Ÿง **Instructions**:
1. Scoop the shaved ice into serving bowls or glasses.
2. Drizzle your choice of flavored syrup over the ice.
3. Top with fresh fruit and a drizzle of sweetened condensed milk if desired.
4. Add mochi pieces for extra texture if you like.
5. Serve immediately and enjoy the cool, sweet bliss of Kakigori!