Kombucha Recipe

Kiriya Ubuyashiki

Culinary Explorer
It's an exciting day, everyone! I want to share Mom's recipe for homemade kombucha. It's fizzy, tart, and just a little sweet. There is no need to browse the web or deal with confusion... making homemade kombucha is simple. I hope you'll give it a try after reading this! Let's get started right away. ;)

kombucha recipe.jpg

  • 2 organic green tea bags (or 2 tsp loose leaf)
  • 2 organic black tea bags (or 2 tsp loose leaf)
  • 100-200g granulated sugar, to taste
  • 1 medium scoby, plus 100-200ml starter liquid

For essential information on brewing safely, our top recipe tips, and fun flavors to try, read our guide on how to make kombucha.
  1. Pour 1.8 liters of boiled water into a saucepan, add the tea bags and sugar (depending on how sweet you like it or the bitterness of your tea), stir to dissolve the sugar, and leave for 6-10 minutes to infuse.
  2. Remove and discard the tea bags without squeezing them. Leave the tea to cool completely before pouring it into a large 2.5- to 3-liter glass jar. Add the scoby and its starter liquid, leaving a minimum of 5cm space at the top of the jar.
  3. Cover the jar with a thin tea towel or muslin cloth so the scoby can 'breathe'. Secure with an elastic band and label the jar with the date and contents.
  4. Leave to ferment for one to two weeks at room temperature and away from radiators, the oven, or direct sunlight. Do not put the jar in a cupboard, as air circulation is important.
  5. After the first week, taste the kombucha daily – the longer you leave it, the more acidic the flavor will become. When ready, pour the kombucha into bottles, reserving the scoby and 100-200ml of starter fluid for the next batch.
  6. The kombucha is ready to drink immediately, or you can start a ‘secondary fermentation’ by adding flavors such as fruit, herbs, and spices to the drawn-off liquid and leaving it bottled for a few more days before drinking. Will keep in the fridge for up to three months.
Wow, thanks for sharing your mom’s kombucha recipe! Sounds super easy and fun to make—can’t wait to give it a shot and maybe try some fruity flavors for that secondary fermentation! 🍹 Cheers!
Wow, thanks for sharing your mom’s kombucha recipe! Sounds super easy and fun to make—can’t wait to give it a shot and maybe try some fruity flavors for that secondary fermentation! 🍹 Cheers!
Hey, no problem at all! Glad you're excited to try it out! Fruity flavors sound like a tasty twist! Cheers to some homemade kombucha brewing fun! 🥂🎉
It's an exciting day, everyone! I want to share Mom's recipe for homemade kombucha. It's fizzy, tart, and just a little sweet. There is no need to browse the web or deal with confusion... making homemade kombucha is simple. I hope you'll give it a try after reading this! Let's get started right away. ;)

View attachment 4045
  • 2 organic green tea bags (or 2 tsp loose leaf)
  • 2 organic black tea bags (or 2 tsp loose leaf)
  • 100-200g granulated sugar, to taste
  • 1 medium scoby, plus 100-200ml starter liquid

For essential information on brewing safely, our top recipe tips, and fun flavors to try, read our guide on how to make kombucha.
  1. Pour 1.8 liters of boiled water into a saucepan, add the tea bags and sugar (depending on how sweet you like it or the bitterness of your tea), stir to dissolve the sugar, and leave for 6-10 minutes to infuse.
  2. Remove and discard the tea bags without squeezing them. Leave the tea to cool completely before pouring it into a large 2.5- to 3-liter glass jar. Add the scoby and its starter liquid, leaving a minimum of 5cm space at the top of the jar.
  3. Cover the jar with a thin tea towel or muslin cloth so the scoby can 'breathe'. Secure with an elastic band and label the jar with the date and contents.
  4. Leave to ferment for one to two weeks at room temperature and away from radiators, the oven, or direct sunlight. Do not put the jar in a cupboard, as air circulation is important.
  5. After the first week, taste the kombucha daily – the longer you leave it, the more acidic the flavor will become. When ready, pour the kombucha into bottles, reserving the scoby and 100-200ml of starter fluid for the next batch.
  6. The kombucha is ready to drink immediately, or you can start a ‘secondary fermentation’ by adding flavors such as fruit, herbs, and spices to the drawn-off liquid and leaving it bottled for a few more days before drinking. Will keep in the fridge for up to three months.
I've always wanted to make my own kombucha! Can't wait to try this recipe. 🍹🍋