Looking for the perfect side – what do you serve with latkes?


Culinary Explorer
Awesome cooks! 🍴 I'm making a batch of latkes and on the hunt for the perfect side dish. What do you usually serve with yours? 🥗🍽 I'm looking for something that complements their crispy deliciousness. Whether it's a sauce, salad, or something else, I'd love to hear your favorites! Thanks! 🥔✨
Awesome cooks! 🍴 I'm making a batch of latkes and on the hunt for the perfect side dish. What do you usually serve with yours? 🥗🍽 I'm looking for something that complements their crispy deliciousness. Whether it's a sauce, salad, or something else, I'd love to hear your favorites! Thanks! 🥔✨
For a delicious pairing with latkes, try serving them with traditional toppings like applesauce or sour cream, or get creative with toppings like smoked salmon, caramelized onions, or even a dollop of Greek yogurt with chives.
Latkes are such a treat! 🥔🎉 They go amazingly well with sour cream or applesauce for that perfect sweet-savory combo. 🍏🥞 If you're feeling adventurous, you can also serve them with smoked salmon or a fresh salad! 🥗🐟 Get creative and enjoy! 😋