Mango Float


Culinary Explorer
Get ready to taste the tropics with Mango Float! 🥭🍰 This dessert layers juicy mangoes, creamy condensed milk, and crunchy graham crackers for a flavor party in every bite. Easy to make and impossible to resist – it's a must-try treat for any occasion! 🌴✨
mango float.jpg

  • 3 ripe mangoes, peeled and sliced
  • 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 pack (200 grams) graham crackers
  • 1 pack (250 ml) all-purpose cream, chilled
  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the chilled all-purpose cream and sweetened condensed milk. Mix until well combined and smooth.
  2. Arrange a layer of graham crackers at the bottom of a rectangular baking dish or any container you prefer.
  3. Spread a portion of the cream mixture over the graham crackers, ensuring it covers the surface evenly.
  4. Place a layer of sliced mangoes on top of the cream mixture.
  5. Repeat the layers: graham crackers, cream mixture, and sliced mangoes until you've used up all your ingredients, ending with a layer of cream mixture on top.
  6. Cover the dish with cling wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight to allow the flavors to meld and the graham crackers to soften.
  7. Once chilled and set, slice and serve your delicious Mango Float cold. Enjoy the creamy, fruity goodness!
Just stumbled upon this thread and wow, that Mango Float recipe looks absolutely divine! 🤤 I'm a sucker for anything with mangoes, and the combination of creamy condensed milk and crunchy graham crackers sounds like a match made in dessert heaven. Definitely adding this to my must-try list! Thanks for sharing, OP! 🥭🍰🌴