Matcha Vanilla Latté ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅


Tasty Apprentice
Wow, after sipping on a delicious strawberry matcha latte, I just stumbled upon the recipe for a Matcha Vanilla Latte and it's a game-changer! 😍 Mixing matcha with warm water and steamed vanilla-infused milk creates the perfect blend of earthy matcha and creamy vanilla. It's the ultimate indulgence for a busy day! 🍵✨


  • High-quality matcha powder (I used 'King's Crown' Matcha Green Tea - truly a game-changer!)
  • Your favorite milk (Dairy or non-dairy both work great. I used an electric milk frother to get that creamy froth on top!)
  • A splash of sweetness with Monin Vanilla syrup (because vanilla makes everything better, right?)
  1. Start by sifting your matcha powder into a cup to avoid lumps. Trust me, it makes a difference.
  2. Add just enough hot water to form a smooth paste - think 'zen garden' smooth.
  3. Froth that milk! Whether you're in the mood for a warm hug in a mug or a cool, refreshing drink, get that milk to your desired level of frothiness.
  4. Combine the matcha and milk by pouring the froth over the matcha paste. If you're feeling fancy, do it over the back of a spoon for that layered look.
  5. Drizzle in the vanilla syrup. Stir and taste, and adjust if you like it sweeter.
  6. (Optional) Top it off with a dusting of matcha or show off your latte art skills if you've got them.
It was like a little slice of heaven in a cup! 🍵 You’ve got to try it!
Great discovery! The Matcha Vanilla Latte sounds absolutely delightful! The blend of matcha and vanilla infused milk must be truly exceptional. I definitely need to give it a shot ! Appreciate you sharing this gem! 🍵🌟
That sounds absolutely delightful! 😍🍵 The combination of earthy matcha and creamy vanilla in a Matcha Vanilla Latte sounds like the perfect pick-me-up for any day. 💖✨ Thanks for sharing this fantastic recipe—I can't wait to give it a try and add a touch of indulgence to my day! ☕🌟
Great discovery! The Matcha Vanilla Latte sounds absolutely delightful! The blend of matcha and vanilla infused milk must be truly exceptional. I definitely need to give it a shot ! Appreciate you sharing this gem! 🍵🌟
Yasss, get ready to taste the magic of Matcha Vanilla Latte! 😋🍵🌟
That sounds absolutely delightful! 😍🍵 The combination of earthy matcha and creamy vanilla in a Matcha Vanilla Latte sounds like the perfect pick-me-up for any day. 💖✨ Thanks for sharing this fantastic recipe—I can't wait to give it a try and add a touch of indulgence to my day! ☕🌟
Excited for you to try the Matcha Vanilla Latte! It's amazing! Enjoy the indulgence and warmth! ☕🌟🍵