Milk or cream: which makes the creamiest mashed potatoes?


Culinary Explorer
I'm trying to perfect my mashed potatoes and I can't decide whether to use milk or cream for that ultra-creamy texture. Has anyone experimented with both? What do you prefer and why? Really curious to get your input on this! 🥛🍶
I’ve tried both, and cream definitely gives mashed potatoes that extra rich and creamy texture. 🥛 If you’re going for something indulgent, cream is the way to go. Milk still works great if you want something a bit lighter. Either way, you can’t go wrong!
Cream has always been my best bet to make the ultimate creamy mashed potatoes. ☺️🥔 It has a higher fat content than milk, and that makes mashed potatoes extra creamy and smooth. 😋 Aside from that, the cream adds a buttery, rich flavor and contributes to a thicker consistency. ✨