Mouthwatering Lechon Recipe


Culinary Explorer
Hey food lovers!

I wanted to share an amazing recipe for Lechon that I recently tried and absolutely fell in love with. It's perfect for a special lunch or dinner, especially when you have friends and family over. The crispy skin and juicy meat are to die for. Here’s how you can make this delicious Filipino dish at home:


  • 1 whole pig (about 20-30 lbs)
  • 10-12 stalks of lemongrass, bruised
  • 10-12 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed
  • 1 large onion, quartered
  • 1 bunch of green onions
  • 1 cup soy sauce
  • 1 cup calamansi juice (or lemon juice)
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • 1/4 cup pepper
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • Banana leaves (optional, for wrapping)

  1. Prep the Pig:
    • Clean the pig thoroughly, both inside and out. Pat it dry with paper towels.
    • Rub the inside and outside of the pig with salt and pepper, making sure to cover it evenly.
  2. Stuffing:
    • In a large bowl, mix together the lemongrass, garlic, onion, and green onions.
    • Stuff this mixture inside the pig's cavity. You can also add some of the calamansi juice inside for extra flavor.
  3. Marinate:
    • In a separate bowl, combine the soy sauce, remaining calamansi juice, and brown sugar. Mix well.
    • Use this mixture to marinate the outside of the pig. Make sure to get into all the crevices.
    • Let the pig marinate for at least 2-3 hours. If you have the time, overnight is even better.
  4. Roasting:
    • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) if you're using an oven. Traditionally, lechon is roasted over a charcoal spit, but an oven works just fine if you don't have one.
    • Wrap the pig in banana leaves if you have them, to keep it moist during the initial roasting period.
    • Place the pig on a large roasting pan. Roast for about 4-5 hours, depending on the size of the pig, basting occasionally with the marinade.
  5. Crisping the Skin:
    • Increase the oven temperature to 450°F (230°C) for the last hour of roasting. Remove the banana leaves to allow the skin to crisp up.
    • Keep an eye on it to ensure the skin gets crispy but doesn’t burn.
  6. Serving:
    • Once done, let the lechon rest for about 20 minutes before carving. This helps the juices redistribute.
    • Serve with your favorite dipping sauce – I love it with a simple vinegar and garlic dip.
      Mouthwatering Lechon Recipe.jpg
This recipe might take some time and effort, but trust me, it’s worth it! The result is a beautifully roasted lechon with crispy skin and flavorful meat. Perfect for a special gathering or just when you’re in the mood for something spectacular.

Would love to hear if any of you try it out or have tips to make it even better!

Happy cooking,
OMG Lechon goals! 🎯 This crispy skin is next-level deliciousness ..Perfect for a special occasion! 🥳 Definitely gotta try it, but maybe a smaller cut of pork for practice first. Anyone have Lechon-making tips? 😃