Peach Berry Baked Oatmeal Recipe


Culinary Explorer
Hey there! I'm excited (not so quite haha) to share my latest morning creation with you all: Peach Berry Baked Oatmeal. It's a cozy, fruity treat that'll make you want to jump out of bed and into the kitchen! 😅
Peach Berry Baked Oatmeal.jpg

  • Peaches– I use either defrosted or canned. You will need to cut them into chunks.
  • Blueberries– Defrosted as well.
  • Oatmeal– Quick oats cook best in baked oatmeal.
  • Milk– I actually use almond milk most of the time but whole or reduced fat works well too.
  • Brown sugar
  • Butter
  • Eggs
  • Baking powder
  • Cinnamon
  • Vanilla extract
  • 9×13 baking dish
  1. Prep Time: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease your 9×13 baking dish and set it aside.
  2. Fruit Magic: Spread the peach chunks and blueberries evenly across the bottom of your baking dish. It's like creating a fruity canvas!
  3. Oatmeal Base: In a mixing bowl, combine the quick oats, brown sugar, baking powder, and cinnamon. Mix them up well.
  4. Liquid Love: In a separate bowl, whisk together the milk, melted butter, eggs, and vanilla extract until they're nicely blended.
  5. Mix It Up: Pour the liquid mixture into the bowl with the dry ingredients. Stir it all together until everything is nicely combined.
  6. Bake to Perfection: Pour the oatmeal mixture over the fruit in your baking dish. Spread it out evenly to cover all the fruity goodness.
  7. Into the Oven: Pop your baking dish into the preheated oven and let it bake for about 35-40 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and the oatmeal is set.
  8. Serve with a Smile: Once it's done baking, let it cool for a bit before slicing into squares. Serve it up warm and enjoy the fruity, oat-y goodness!

    Whether you're enjoying it solo or sharing it with loved ones, I hope it brings a little extra joy to your breakfast table. Happy munching!
Yum! This Peach Berry Baked Oatmeal Recipe looks like the perfect blend of sweetness and warmth. With juicy peaches, bursting berries, and hearty oats, it's a wholesome breakfast treat that'll brighten up any morning. Can't wait to wake up to this deliciousness
Yum! This Peach Berry Baked Oatmeal Recipe looks like the perfect blend of sweetness and warmth. With juicy peaches, bursting berries, and hearty oats, it's a wholesome breakfast treat that'll brighten up any morning. Can't wait to wake up to this deliciousness
I love the sound of Peach Berry Baked Oatmeal! 😋 Though I think substituting almond milk for regular milk adds a subtle nutty flavor. 🥛
This Peach Berry Baked Oatmeal looks like the perfect breakfast treat! 🍑🫐 Love how versatile it is - can't wait to try it with different fruits! Plus, it's such a cozy way to start the day. Thanks for sharing the recipe! 🥣