Pemmican Recipe


Culinary Explorer
Hey everyone, I want to introduce you to a classic survival food: pemmican! 🥩✨ Pemmican is a nutrient-dense mixture of dried meat and rendered fat, perfect for sustaining energy on outdoor adventures or as a wholesome snack
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  • 1 lb lean meat (such as beef or venison)
  • 1/4 cup rendered fat (such as tallow or lard)
  • Optional: dried berries (like cranberries or blueberries)
  1. Dry the meat thoroughly using a dehydrator or in a low oven (around 150°F or 65°C) until it becomes brittle.
  2. Grind the dried meat into a powder using a blender or food processor.
  3. Mix the powdered meat with rendered fat until well combined. The mixture should stick together when pressed.
  4. Optional: Add dried berries for sweetness and flavor.
  5. Press the mixture into a shallow pan or mold and let it cool.
  6. Cut into bars or small chunks for easy storage and consumption.
Enjoy your homemade pemmican as a nutritious and energy-packed snack!
Hey, that's a cool recipe! Never tried making pemmican before, but it sounds like a solid snack for hiking. Thanks for sharing! 🌲👍
Hey everyone, I want to introduce you to a classic survival food: pemmican! 🥩✨ Pemmican is a nutrient-dense mixture of dried meat and rendered fat, perfect for sustaining energy on outdoor adventures or as a wholesome snack
42.7 kB

View attachment 4459
  • 1 lb lean meat (such as beef or venison)
  • 1/4 cup rendered fat (such as tallow or lard)
  • Optional: dried berries (like cranberries or blueberries)
  1. Dry the meat thoroughly using a dehydrator or in a low oven (around 150°F or 65°C) until it becomes brittle.
  2. Grind the dried meat into a powder using a blender or food processor.
  3. Mix the powdered meat with rendered fat until well combined. The mixture should stick together when pressed.
  4. Optional: Add dried berries for sweetness and flavor.
  5. Press the mixture into a shallow pan or mold and let it cool.
  6. Cut into bars or small chunks for easy storage and consumption.
Enjoy your homemade pemmican as a nutritious and energy-packed snack!
interesting recipe tho I am having 2nd thoughts at first. Is it more of a sweet-tasting snack or more of a savory one?