Rice Dilemma: Best Pick for Making Paella?


Culinary Explorer
Hello there, culinary explorers! I'm on a quest to create the perfect paella and facing a rice dilemma! From bomba to arborio, which grain is the true key to paella perfection? 🥘🔑 If you've got insights or fave picks, I'm all ears. I would to know your suggestions!
Hey! If you're aiming for that authentic paella experience, I suggest on using bomba rice. It is what creates the creamy and velvety texture of a paella. But warning you, this is very hard to find if you're outside of Spain 😉
When it comes to paella, both bomba and arborio rice have their merits. Bomba rice offers traditional texture and firmness, while arborio gives a creamier finish. Choose based on your preference for texture and availability. Happy cooking!