Salmorejo Recipe


Culinary Explorer
Hey everyone! 🌟👋

I wanted to share a unique and delicious Spanish dish: Salmorejo. This creamy, chilled tomato soup from Córdoba is perfect for hot days. It's easy to make and packed with flavor. Enjoy!
Salmorejo Recipe.jpg

Salmorejo Recipe 🍅🥄


  • 2 lbs ripe tomatoes, cored and chopped
  • 1 cup stale bread, crusts removed
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tbsp sherry vinegar
  • Salt to taste

  • Hard-boiled eggs, chopped
  • Jamón ibérico or serrano ham, chopped

  1. Blend tomatoes, bread, garlic, and sherry vinegar until smooth.
  2. Slowly add olive oil while blending to create a creamy texture.
  3. Season with salt to taste.
  4. Chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
  5. Serve cold, topped with chopped eggs and ham.
Enjoy your refreshing Salmorejo! 😋🍽️
One tip I’ve found is to use the ripest tomatoes you can find – it really boosts the flavor. Sometimes I add a dash of cumin for a little extra kick. Can't wait to try your version! Thanks for sharing! 🍅🥂
It sounds incredibly rich and flavorful—a perfect dish for warm weather. I love the idea of blending tomatoes with bread and garlic to create such a creamy texture. Do you have any tips for choosing the best tomatoes or any secret ingredients that make your Salmorejo extra special? Can't wait to try this refreshing Spanish classic! 😊🍽️
Salmorejo, a taste of Spain in a bowl! 🇪🇸🍅 This recipe looks so fresh and vibrant, perfect for a summer day. Can't wait to blend up a batch and enjoy the flavors! Thanks for sharing the taste of Spain! 🙌