Savoring Natto 🌾🥢


Tasty Apprentice
Natto always brings back memories of Japan 🇯🇵, a place that I really miss. Whenever I'm feeling nostalgic, I like to make some and thought I'd share the recipe here with you. It's a simple way for me to feel connected to a place I love, and I hope you enjoy it too! Making natto at home allows me to bring a little piece of Japan into my everyday life, and I find it really comforting ( ꈍ◡ꈍ)

Natto from scratch (bacteria starter)

  • 0.1g Natto Bacillus bacteria starter
  • 380g dry soy beans
Natto from frozen pack
  • 1 pack of frozen natto (or 60g from previous natto)
  • ~380g dry soy beans
  • 1 tbsp filtered water
Natto from previous batch
  • ~400g cooked soy beans
  • 60g natto from previous batch
  1. Soak the soy beans overnight– it should expand and look plump.
  2. Discard the water and then cook the soy beans in an instant pot, pressure cooker or over the stove until tender.
  3. Lay cling wrap on a tray or shallow tupperware (this step is not essential but helps immensely with the clean up process). Sterilize any utensils and bowl with hot water to remove any bacteria. Drain the soybeans well and then add the soy beans to the tupperware.
  4. Add 1 tbsp of filtered water into the pack of natto and mix to loosen. Then spread the natto over the soy beans and mix well. If using the starter, sprinkle the starter over and mix. If using previous batch, add the natto and mix well. Cover with paper towel, cling wrap and then elastic bands to secure.
  5. Place in a yogurt maker, fermentation box or a warm area at 40 C for 24 hours. The next day, place into the fridge and continue to ferment for another 24 hours.
  6. The natto is complete! Store in the fridge for up to 2 days or transfer to portioned size freezer safe reusable bags or tupperware. When ready to eat, thaw in the fridge and enjoy!
  7. You can repeat this process maximum 3 times with previous natto. Then you must use the frozen store bought natto (because the bacteria is stronger).
I’d love to hear about your experiences with natto, or any other Japanese dishes you enjoy making at home. Let's keep the spirit of Japan alive together! (๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭
That's such a wonderful way to stay connected to a place you love! 🇯💕 Making natto at home sounds like a comforting and nostalgic experience. Thanks for sharing your recipe—I'm sure many others will appreciate the opportunity to bring a taste of Japan into their everyday lives as well! 🍙🌸
That's such a wonderful way to stay connected to a place you love! 🇯💕 Making natto at home sounds like a comforting and nostalgic experience. Thanks for sharing your recipe—I'm sure many others will appreciate the opportunity to bring a taste of Japan into their everyday lives as well! 🍙🌸
Ah, savoring natto, a unique culinary experience! 🍽️ Though it's an acquired taste for some, I think the key is embracing its distinct flavor and texture. Mixing it with soy sauce and mustard can help balance its pungency, and pairing it with steamed rice and a raw egg creates a traditional and nutritious meal. 🍚🥢
That's such a wonderful way to stay connected to a place you love! 🇯💕 Making natto at home sounds like a comforting and nostalgic experience. Thanks for sharing your recipe—I'm sure many others will appreciate the opportunity to bring a taste of Japan into their everyday lives as well! 🍙🌸
Ah, savoring natto, a unique culinary experience! 🍽️ Though it's an acquired taste for some, I think the key is embracing its distinct flavor and texture. Mixing it with soy sauce and mustard can help balance its pungency, and pairing it with steamed rice and a raw egg creates a traditional and nutritious meal. 🍚🥢
I'm delighted to hear your enthusiasm! 🌟🍙 If you have any questions while trying out the recipe, feel free to reach out. Happy fermenting! 🌸
Your homemade natto recipe is like a little taste of Japan right in your own kitchen! I love how you've shared not just the steps, but also the sentiment behind it. It's such a beautiful way to stay connected to a place you hold dear. Thanks for bringing a bit of Japanese culinary tradition into our lives! 😘
Your homemade natto recipe is like a little taste of Japan right in your own kitchen! I love how you've shared not just the steps, but also the sentiment behind it. It's such a beautiful way to stay connected to a place you hold dear. Thanks for bringing a bit of Japanese culinary tradition into our lives! 😘
Sharing not only the steps..... but also the sentiment behind the recipe is important to me, as it adds a layer of authenticity and connection to the culinary tradition. It's my pleasure to bring a bit of Japanese culture and tradition into your lives! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡🇯🇵
Sharing not only the steps..... but also the sentiment behind the recipe is important to me, as it adds a layer of authenticity and connection to the culinary tradition. It's my pleasure to bring a bit of Japanese culture and tradition into your lives! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡🇯🇵

Absolutely! I'm all about sharing the love and authenticity of Japanese cuisine with you guys! 🇯🇵 ✨