Should a turkey breast be cooked covered or uncovered?


Culinary Explorer
Hello there! Should you cover or uncover it when cooking turkey breast? 🦃 Need advice! I heard arguments for both methods. Some say covering retains moisture, while others uncover for crispy skin. What's your go-to tip? Any secret tips? Let's share!🍗
Best advice I can give is to cover it for the first hour, then uncover it to brown. Works like a charm every time. Keeps it moist and the skin gets crispy. 🧑‍🍳👌
Cooking a turkey breast covered or uncovered depends on personal preference and the desired outcome. Cooking it covered can help retain moisture and prevent the top from drying out, while cooking it uncovered allows the skin to crisp up. If you want moist meat with crispy skin, you can start by cooking it covered and then uncover it towards the end of cooking to brown the skin.👌🏼✨