Soft apple pie, no sugar and baby friendly 🍰


Tasty Apprentice
Feast your senses on the aroma of fresh apple pie wafting through the house, conjuring up cozy memories of love and togetherness (*・-)♨. But what if I told you that you could indulge in this traditional treat guilt-free, and with the assurance that it won't send your taste buds on a wild sugar rollercoaster ride? 🥧 That's right, folks! I'm beyond excited to share the recipe for a soft, sugar-free apple pie that's perfect for introducing your little munchkin to homemade goodness. Packed with wholesome ingredients and bursting with natural sweetness from ripe apples, this baby-friendly delicacy is a surefire hit for the whole fam! So get ready to bake up a storm and enjoy guilt-free dessert time! 🍏👶👪

apple pie.jpg

For the dough you will need:
  • 250 gr plain flour​
  • 150 ml milk of choice​
  • 75 gr coconut oil​
  • 10 gr instant yeast​
  • grated peel from one tangerine 🍊
  • 1 tablespoon agave syrup​
For the filling you will need:
  • 5 grated apples (the sweeter the better)​
  • handful of raisins​
  • 1 tablespoon agave syrup​
  • 1 teaspoon cinammon​
  • 1 tablespoon semolina flour​
  1. Sift the flour into a bowl, add the yeast in the center. Heat the milk a little with the coconut oil. Grate the tangerine. Mix all the ingredients and knead the dough until it no longer sticks to your hands. Leave to rise for 30 min, in the covered bowl.​
  2. Meanwhile, prepare the filling: grate the apples and put them in a pot on medium heat for about 5 minutes. Add cinnamon, agave syrup, semolina, and raisins and leave to cool.​
  3. After the 30 minutes are up, the dough is divided into 2, and a sheet is spread out. Add it to a pan lined with baking paper. Add the filling and then the second sheet.​
  4. Prick the top with a fork and brush with a little beaten egg. Put in the preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 30-35 min.​
  5. Let the pie rest until cool, and cut and decorate to your preference. (I used a bit of powdered sugar, can be skipped for baby). Enjoy!​