Spicy Thai Squid Salad Recipe


Culinary Explorer
🌶️ My cousin and I love the kick of Spicy Thai Squid Salad! 🦑 Mixing fresh herbs, lime, and chili creates a flavor explosion. 💚 Try this recipe for a tasty adventure in Thai cooking!

Spicy Thai Squid Salad Recipe.jpg


  • 1 lb
    squid, cleaned and sliced

  • 1/2 md
    celery stalk, thinly sliced

  • 1/2 sm
    orange bell pepper, thinly sliced

  • 1 sm
    shallot, thinly sliced

  • 1 sm
    thai chili pepper, chopped

  • 1 Tbsp
    cilantro, chopped

  • 1 Tbsp
    thai basil, chopped

  • zest of 1 lime

  • 4
    lime kaffir leaves

  • 1 Tbsp
    sea salt


    • 2-3 Tbsp
      fish sauce

    • 1/2 tsp
      ginger, grated

    • 1 tsp
      granulated garlic

    • 1 1/2 Tbsp
      palm sugar

    • 2 Tbsp

    • juice of 1 lime


      1 cleaned squid

      2 sliced squid

      3 boil water, add lime kaffir leaves and salt. boil squid for 4 minutes. do not over cook. drain and place in ice cold water. drain

      4 get veggies ready

      5 combine dressing ingredients. in a small mixing bowl, combine squid, veggies and dressing. plate up and serve

      👩‍🍳 Give this Spicy Thai Squid Salad a shot! It's a burst of flavors waiting to delight your taste buds. Enjoy the journey! 🌟
Spicy Thai Squid Salad sounds like an explosion of flavors! Can't wait to try it out and add a kick to my usual salad routine. 🌶️🦑