Sugar Check: Can Diabetics Dive into Fish and Chips?


Culinary Explorer
Hey folks! 🍬🚫 I'm wondering if fish and chips are suitable for diabetics. 💉 Can those with diabetes enjoy this tasty treat without worrying about sugar spikes? 🤔 Share any tips or insights you have! Let's make sure everyone can enjoy fish and chips safely! 🙏
Ah, fish and chips – classic comfort food! For folks keeping an eye on sugar, it's all about balance. Fish itself is a great protein choice, and if you opt for baked or grilled instead of fried, you're cutting down on added sugars. Just be mindful of portion sizes and maybe skip the sugary sauces or tartar dips. Moderation is key, so enjoy your fish and chips occasionally, and you're good to go! 😊
Fish is great for diabetics, but I think the chips can be tricky. Maybe try it with a side of veggies though. 🥦🐟