Toppings for spaetzle—what are your favorites?


Culinary Explorer
Looking to jazz up my spaetzle. What toppings do you swear by? Any secret ingredients? Can’t wait to hear your suggestions! 🤔🧀
Try adding a bit of nutmeg to the batter. It adds a unique warmth that complements the spaetzle perfectly. 🌰👌
Exciting! 🍽️ For jazzing up spaetzle, try toppings like crispy bacon bits, caramelized onions, fresh herbs, or grated cheese. 🥓🧀 And for a secret ingredient, a dash of nutmeg can add depth to the flavor. 😋 Can't wait for you to try these suggestions!
Looking to jazz up my spaetzle. What toppings do you swear by? Any secret ingredients? Can’t wait to hear your suggestions! 🤔🧀
Spaetzle topping time! Embrace the versatility - go classic with melted butter, cheese (Gruyere, Emmental, or Parmesan are all winners), and a pop of freshness with chives. Feeling fancy? Brown butter, crispy bacon bits, and sauteed mushrooms create a rich, savory symphony. Or, lighten things up with sauteed greens, a squeeze of lemon, and toasted nuts for a healthy yet satisfying option.