What alcohol goes well with shrimp tacos?


Culinary Explorer
Hey, fellow foodies! I've been playing around with shrimp tacos for my next dinner party and got to wondering, what alcohol pairs best? I've tried tequila-based cocktails before, which were great, but craving something different now. Maybe a beer or white wine? Any suggestions?
I've tried shrimp tacos with a cold, crisp pilsner beer... It was amazing! 🍤🍺 The lightness of the beer really complements the shrimp...
Hey, fellow foodies! I've been playing around with shrimp tacos for my next dinner party and got to wondering, what alcohol pairs best? I've tried tequila-based cocktails before, which were great, but craving something different now. Maybe a beer or white wine? Any suggestions?
Shrimp tacos pair well with light and refreshing drinks like margaritas, crisp lagers, or even a fruity tequila cocktail!