What goes well with pigs in a blanket?


Culinary Explorer
Hello fellow cooks!! What goes well with pigs in a blanket? I've got the classics down, but looking for other options.. Any suggestions to enhance the snacking experience? Maybe some tangy mustard or zesty relish? What do you think?
Hey there! Mac and cheese is a classic side that goes great with pigs in a blanket. It’s a comfort food match made in heaven! 🧀😍
Pigs in a blanket pair perfectly with some honey mustard, BBQ sauce, or a cheesy dip! Add some veggie sticks and you're all set!
Pigs in a blanket pair perfectly with some honey mustard, BBQ sauce, or a cheesy dip! Add some veggie sticks and you're all set!
I agree. Honey mustard, BBQ sauce, or a cheesy dip are fantastic choices to complement the savory goodness of pigs in a blanket. And hey, adding some veggie sticks not only adds a pop of color but also balances out the flavors perfectly. :love: