What are bagels made from?


Novice Foodie
Hey everyone, been diving into the world of bagel-making and it's fascinating! Did you know they're traditionally made from high-gluten flour, water, yeast, and malt? The unique part comes from boiling them before baking, which gives that deliciously chewy texture. Curious, has anyone tried making them at home? How did it turn out, and did you stick to the classic ingredients or experiment with something new? 🤭🥯🤤
Bagels are typically made from flour, water, yeast, salt, and sometimes sugar. They are formed into a ring shape, boiled briefly in water, and then baked until they develop a chewy texture and golden crust. Some variations may also include additional ingredients like malt syrup, honey, or toppings such as sesame seeds, poppy seeds, or everything bagel seasoning. Overall, bagels are a delicious and versatile bread enjoyed by many around the world! :love:
Bagels are a fun adventure—boiling before baking gives them that perfect chew, and experimenting with toppings or flavors can turn your homemade bagels into a gourmet treat! 🥯🎨