What is a flan made of?


Culinary Explorer
Hey gang, pondering what exactly goes into making flan. I know eggs, sugar, and milk are essentials, often with vanilla for extra flavor. Yet, variations seem endless, with some recipes calling for cream or condensed milk. Eager to learn more about your experiences and preferred ingredients for crafting this classic dessert!
Flan's typically crafted from eggs, milk, sugar, and vanilla, creating its custardy goodness. 🍮 I think you can tweak it with flavors like caramel or coconut, though :)
Hey gang, pondering what exactly goes into making flan. I know eggs, sugar, and milk are essentials, often with vanilla for extra flavor. Yet, variations seem endless, with some recipes calling for cream or condensed milk. Eager to learn more about your experiences and preferred ingredients for crafting this classic dessert!
Flan is typically made of eggs, sugar, milk, and flavorings like vanilla or caramel. It's a creamy custard dessert with a caramelized sugar topping that's popular in many cultures.
Flan is typically made of eggs, sugar, milk, and flavorings like vanilla or caramel. It's a creamy custard dessert with a caramelized sugar topping that's popular in many cultures.
OMG! You nailed it! Flan is basically a yummy dessert made with eggs, sugar, milk, and flavors like vanilla or caramel. It's like a creamy pudding with a sweet caramel topping 🥰
OMG! You nailed it! Flan is basically a yummy dessert made with eggs, sugar, milk, and flavors like vanilla or caramel. It's like a creamy pudding with a sweet caramel topping 🥰
Thank you so much! It's amazing how such simple ingredients can create such a decadent treat, right?