What is the difference between a white tea shot and a green tea shot?


Culinary Explorer
Heyya! Wondering about the difference between a white tea shot and a green tea shot 🍵? I've tried both, but can't discern much difference. Are there tea enthusiasts out there who can share ideas? Or is it merely a matter of preference? I'm curious to hear your thoughts!
Heyya! Wondering about the difference between a white tea shot and a green tea shot 🍵? I've tried both, but can't discern much difference. Are there tea enthusiasts out there who can share ideas? Or is it merely a matter of preference? I'm curious to hear your thoughts!
White tea shots have delicate, sweet flavors, while green tea shots have a stronger, grassier taste. It's all about personal preference! Some like the lightness of white tea, while others enjoy the robustness of green tea. 🍵🥃