What is the simplest form of dressing?


Culinary Explorer
Hey there, pals! 👋 Just have a quick question for all of you. What do you think is the simplest form of making a dressing? I honestly needed a recipe that could be easily done whenever I'm in a rush to travel for work for my fave salad. I'm all ears for your kind suggestions. Wanna have a minimalistic recipe for a good dressing. Thanks in advance! 🙇‍♀️
Simple is the best! 💯 Olive oil, vinegar, balsamic or red wine options are great too, a squeeze of lemon juice for some zip, and salt & pepper. Whisk it together, and bam! Easy, healthy dressing in seconds 🥗

You can even add a pinch of dried herbs or a crushed garlic clove for a little extra flavor if you have time ;)